Facts About Your Pet Rabbits

If you have a pet bunny, or more than one, you already know that rabbits are cute, soft and love to be petted. You know rabbits are sweet. You know they are great pets for the right family. But there may be a few things you didn’t know about your bunny friends.

Rabbits are crepuscular. That means they’re most active at dawn and dusk. Since rabbits are “officially” lagomorphs (lagomorph is the order, and both hares and rabbits belong to the leporidae family), you can have fun with your friends. Instead of saying you have pet bunnies, try saying your pets are crepuscular lagomorphs. That should get some looks!

You may be surprised that your domestic rabbits don’t hibernate, but in fact, rabbits do not hibernate at all, either in the wild or when domesticated. So don’t worry that your bunny’s not hibernating; she’s not supposed to. There’s a common belief that rabbits hibernate, so this is an interesting fact not everyone will know.

As you may know, rabbits are great jumpers (hippity hop). Bunnies can hop three feet in the air, and sometimes higher, if they’re really strong in the back legs. So if you don’t want your bunny getting into or out of something, make sure you have sufficient protection against a three-foot jump!

Rabbits can do some things humans do. For instance, rabbits snore. Not all rabbits, but some rabbits do snore, just like people, cats and dogs. But rabbits cannot vomit. They can gag, but can’t regurgitate food, so be careful to make sure your bunny doesn’t eat anything she shouldn’t. If she does, call your vet or the poison control line to find out what to do.

You probably see wild rabbits around your yard or in your neighborhood occasionally. Wherever you live, unless you happen to live in Antarctica, where rabbits aren’t native, you can find rabbits. They’re not native to Australia, either, but a large population of wild rabbits has developed from ancestors brought from other countries. Wild rabbits live in burrows, and a group of them (or domesticated bunnies, for that matter) is called a herd. And yes, wild rabbits do breed…well, like bunnies, but if their babies are abandoned, only about 10% survive, which is why they’ve evolved to have so many offspring.

In the Chinese zodiac there is a year of the rabbit
but in the Vietnamese zodiac the year of the rabbit
is replaced by the year of the cat.
This may have something to do with the fact
that there are no rabbits in Vietnam.

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