A Finch Makes A Great Pet

By Jennie Samuels

The pet bird that has come to be commonly called Finch is mostly a very little, but extremely spirited bird. The life-span of a Finch will be from 6 to 8 years, though there happen to be some Finches which have was living for 27 years, a surprising and astonishing victory for such a minute bird. The beginnings of Finches is debatable, with some advocating Australia, with more recent investigations advocating the Caribbean Islands as its root beginnings .Species of Finches will differ in size, and individually a Finch will differ in length and girth one from another. Ordinarily, a Finch is anywhere between 3 or 4 inches, yet can develop as large as 8 inches in size.

Finches are usually not noisy birds, for example like some parrots. Their sound is delightful, and some, in particular the male Finch, sing pretty often and in a highly melodious tone. Males will chirp during mating times, which usually is a kind of high-pitched noise. If a Finch detects danger to their selves, or feels a peril to their home, they can actually achieve a hissing sound. Try to make sure anytime you shop for your Finch, that you get a set of Finches. Finches love to entertain each other with their songs. It is not unusual for the male Finch to perform to the female, seeking to attract her with his tunes.

Several items to look for anytime you are that you are going to invest in a Finch is the movement within the cage. Is the Finch just motionless, not moving about, and looking dull on the perch? If this is true, avoid selecting that Finch. Is the bird shiny-eyed, and are the feathers of the Finch shiny with a minor gloss? That is definitely a good indication.As previously instructed, do not choose a single Finch unless of course you already have another Finch. Finches do not do well on their own. Finches are sociable birds,wanting company, and enjoying mostly the company of other Finch. For that reason, you would be wise to actually purchase a pair of Finch. You may even wish to find more, which is fantastic, but beware of putting too many birds in your bird cage.

When you introduce a new Finch into the aviary, make sure you follow the activity in the cage for a period of time. You're going to want to relax and watch for symptoms of hostility, especially ruthless behavior on the part of a Finch who may get very territorial over a food dish. This is why it is much better to place more than one dish in the aviary (bird cage). This will sometimes avoid these kinds of territorial disputes this way.

Serving your Finch is simple . Finches eat seeds, mostly, and the wild Finch eat insects, worms, grass seeds, and grains. But, at the time you pick up seeds, make absolutely sure they are not infused with insecticide. If you can find natural and organic seed, so much the better. Do not furnish your Finch with Canary or Parakeet seed. They will simply not eat, and in fact have been known to starve, neglecting to eat that seed. Give your Finch grass seed, or niger thistle, sprouts, and provide some millet in their bowl. One very good choice is boiled eggs, including the covering of the egg. Just grind the egg up. Now, they will not eat the entire egg since that is far too much food for a Finch.After all, they generally will only eat about a teaspoon of seed per day. That isn't much, so an entire egg would absolutely be a waste. It is rare that a Finch will overeat.

Get a stainless steel bowl, a small one, and put it on the bottom of the cage, away from the perches. Do the samewith the water dish. Otherwise, you'll have feces falling into the mix, which may eventually bring diseases to your bird. Use the stainless steel bowl for the food. It does not need to be enormous, but of sufficient size that it will not be tipping over and making a mess, and of a size such that it will provide enough food for a day or two at least. These bowls are also easier to clean up. However, if you are going to use a different material, look for something that will not be toxic to the Finch. There is a grading system for plastic containers and you'd be warned to look for one marked with a #4, which is generally deemed safe for humans to use. However, if it has a #1 rating, this is usually meant that it is a plastic designed for a single time use. Be safe. Use the best for your pet Finch. Some plastics will leach, that is, they will leak chemicals into the surrounding material, in this case, your Finch food. That's why stainless steel is best. Remember, these little birds are susceptible to their surroundings. If you want to keep them safe, then provide them with safe eating bowls.

You may use a small dish for waters, as they need liquid every day. Put in a small contiainer, about an inch deep, for use as a bird bath. Finches love to take baths. Do this at least once a week, or more often if you see they enjoy it. See what your finches enjoy most. If they use it every other day, then provide the bird bath to them on a regular basis.

Take heed the perches you purchase. Wooden perches can become corrupted with feces and once they do, they're difficult to decontaminate. Do not use a wood such as redwood, or cedar, or pressed wood chips, since these are noxious and will be deadly to the Finch, avoid dowels, because they are known to give ailments to the feet of Finches. And, it almost should go without saying, but absolutely never put in place a perch that is layered with a sandpaper coating. Best bet? Hardwood branches, if you're into wood, or use a safe plastic. You will, now and then, probably have to cut your Finch's nails. Do this with care, and only after you know what you're doing. It's a delicate operation. Far too many owners cut too far. Trim only the tiniest piece off the end of the nail, and no more. Don't cut back very far. Just cut enough to do the job.

When you purchase an aviary for your Finches, do it with caution. Finches need some flying room. They are quite fast paced. You will need a good sized bird cage. Make the length of the bird cage at least 30 inches. Tall avairies, column-like cages are not appropriate for Finches. Also, make sure the spacing between the cage ribs is no more than 3/8's inches apart.

Finches need the sun. Nevertheless, make sure you position the aviary in such a way as to give the Finch a place to find shade. If you live in a very hot climate, don't leave the Finches in direct sunlight that will cause the environment to heat to levels that are dangerous for the birds.

If you take care of your Finches, you can take advantage of their company for many years. A Finch is a hearty little bird that will satisfy your family, yourself, and any company who might come to visit you.

Jennie has been an avid finch breeder for over 20 years. For more information visit finchandfinches.com.

Finches (Animal Planet Pet Care Library), by Rebecca K. O'Connor. Written by an expert on bird care, Finches offers useful advice on breeding, showing, and keeping these popular birds. It discusses both indoor and outdoor housing and provides an introduction to building an aviary. Includes advice on feeding, housing, grooming, training, health care, and fun activities. Family-friendly design with over 60 full-color photographs plus helpful tip boxes. TFH Publications, Inc. has teamed up with Animal Planet, the only television network devoted to the unique bonds between humans and animals, to present an exciting new series of comprehensive guides to superior pet care. More

Gouldian Finches (Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manuals), by Gayle A. Soucek. These beautiful multicolored birds are native to Australia. When kept as pets, they thrive on seeds and fresh fruit. Here's reliable information on cage maintenance and general care of this popular bird. Barron's extensive line of Complete Pet Owner's Manuals presents information for non-specialist animal owners and prospective owners, with facts about each animal's origins and traits, as well as advice on purchasing, housing, feeding, health care, and much more. Each book is individually written by a trainer, breeder, veterinarian, or other animal specialist. Titles in this series cover every popular breed of dog and cat, freshwater and marine fish, many bird varieties, and virtually all other animals that are kept as pets. All books are filled with handsome color photos and instructive line illustrations. More

A typical finch egg is about the size
of an American dime.